Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Waoh!!!!!! Adrenaline

My heart is pumping and my hands are shaking.  Ash was sleeping on the carpet in my bedroom.  After a while of sleeping she went down stairs.

She walked to the door so I put her leash on her to walk her around before bed.  When we came back she was sniffing at the trashcan where her food is kept, the top laying on the ground.  I let her back inside and grabbed her scoop from the dishwasher.  Reaching into the bucket, the hair brushed against my wrist where the thumb joins the arm.

My hand got out of there so fast.  Pulling the light from my pocket tied to the belt, I pointed the beam into the bottom of the trashcan.  The possum was curled so it couldn't see me, but it could see the light.  After a few seconds it started to hiss slightly.  At this point I grabbed Ash from inside where she was still waiting for her food.  Once I pointed to the possum she knew what was up.  She tried to pull the can over, but not before I kicked it to the ground.  She went head first after the possum biting it several times viscously while it played possum and took up a beating.

As Ash was dragging the possum out into the yard, I grabbed my rifle that I love so much.  After calling at Ash to move several times, she got the idea that I wanted to shoot it and moved out of the way.  I shot it twice.  Ash was rewarded with the kill for her honorable service and extreme bravery.  I will be more aware in the future.  When the hair touched my hand, it instantly reminded me of the coon skin cap my friend Jerry had given me.  The mind body connection was ridiculous and immediate.

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