Friday, December 20, 2013

Hunting Rabbits

Freddie and I left pretty early this morning after loading his dogs for a rabbit hunt.  We loaded up with snout meat, egg, and cheese biscuits before driving to the hunting grounds.

We did not stay until almost sunset per usual, but went for a good walk with our guns.  When the sun was out the weather was perfect, but as the sun dipped behind cloud cover for any length of time a jacket became mandatory.

The theme of today was broom straw and briars.  Freddie was standing in one patch while the dogs circled around him.  One dog came back to sit by his side and from directly next to his foot jumped a rabbit.  

Before that jumping I saw one coming right for me.  It stopped in its tracks when it saw me.  And I was startled that it stopped.  We just looked at each other for a minute.  Then I whiffed two shots and he ran away.  The second shot was really a hope and prayer as he jumped further into the high grass.  My rabbit gun of choice is a Revelation bolt action 410 shotgun from the mid 50s or 60s.  It isn't a really nice gun.  But is has character and I like it.  Something about a bolt action!

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