Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Law of Laziness

The Law of Laziness defined today.  The location of the rabbit hutches has simply been too far away from their food and water.  By moving them closer to the chicken coup, Freddie and I created a better way to manage their daily feedings as well as the entire manure/compost system.  Permaculture people talk about zones.  Today we narrowed the animal zone for human input efficiency.

A while back I posted about IBC composting.  Initial testing revealed that it is difficult to turn the compost in the bin because it is prohibitively heavy.  The revised plan is to empty the coop and rabbit cages into a pile that is moved by the tractor up the hill.

The pile to the left consists of several months worth of waste from the chicken coop and rabbits.

The new pile starts with the fresh hay just removed from the chicken coop.  It was interesting that the volume of freshly cleaned hay from the chicken coup was three tractor buckets, while the volume of the composted pile was two buckets despite three additional cleanings in the pile.

After the pile was moved, Freddie and I cleaned the cages and moved them one by one to their new home.  After digging a few holes and filling them with gravel, the first sits pretty level.

Two in place featuring Freddie's hunting cap.

All three in place.  This more efficient setup almost looks like it was meant to go there from the start.
"Looks good if you ask me." - Freddie

Happy rabbit inside.

Soon to be fresh compost.

Last year we grew leaps and bounds, personally and as an organization.  Thank you for your support and continued encouragement over the next year.  From all the animals and people in the Sustainable Homestead family, may the new year bring you happiness and joy beyond expectations.  
I love you all!

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