Thursday, December 12, 2013

Where is the beef?

Youssef and I started early to pick up the half of cow I ordered last week some time from Truman Hill Farms in Franklin County, Virginia.  I stopped by a certain big box store (cough up some cash and I'll mention you by name) and picked up a cooler.  If I had known how big the 1/2 cow was going to be I would not have bothered.  When the young man at J&P Meat Processing in Wirtz, VA wheeled out the cart several shelves filled with all cuts of beef, I knew my cooler was undersized.  It ended up fitting 1/2 the ground beef.  Luckily they had some extra boxes.  The short time I was inside I was most impressed with the cleanliness of the facility, and the people that worked there seemed happy.

Youssef and I got back home and fed the animals and sat on the porch for a bit.  We put Ash in the goat field, and after the culmination of years of tweaking she seems to be staying inside.  Between the farm fence, electric top line, and some extra chain on the gate, tonight will be a good test.  If she is in there tomorrow morning, it will be a relief to me and a reward for the completion.

We eventually came back in and celebrated with two of the four filet minion cooked in pan with Richard's Seasoning created nearby in Reidsville, NC.  The grass fed beef was amazing.  It was the perfect portion, but the taste had me wanting more.  This is an unpaid endorsement.

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