Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Aquaponics cycling

The aguaponics system comes closer to completion as water is added to the entire system for the first time.  It cycles beautifully, slowly filling the grow bed until a few inches cover the stand pipe under the bell syphon.  
The IBC tote sports a new stand pipe.  The elbow is to suck up any solids that may accumulate.  Square tanks require a little more cleaning because the corners create dead zones that may allow solids to buildup.  The open T is used so that a syphon is not created here, draining the fish tank.

The over flowing fish tank fills the grow bed.

Almost like magic the syphon knows when to turn on.  It works similar to a toilet in that when you flush, the increase in water forces out the air in the trap sucking the water through until the suction is broken.  An aguaponics system adapted from a toilet would be an interesting project.

The sump tanks collect the water as it is pulled from the grow bed to the syphon.  The system utilizes two, 65 gallon water tanks available at Tractor Supply.  Next to the grow media, they are the most expensive piece of the puzzle.

Maker's Mark

There is a lot of heart in this project.

Tomorrow the addition of glue will finalize the project.

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