Monday, January 6, 2014

Goals for the new year

We are about a week into the new year, and I wanted to share my goals for the new year.

-Cover Crop:  There is roughly 20 acres of hayfield that needs to be converted to food forest over time.  While projects at the farm prohibit me from designing the area currently, doing the proper preparation will amend the soil without oversight.

-Goats:  I want to section the goat pasture into 5 sections to rotationally feed the livestock and install the automatic watering unit.  Watering unit at minimum.  Fencing may not happen depending on size of herd.

-Chickens:  Grow the laying flock to 100 birds to judge holding capacity of the coop.  Install a door that allows the birds to till the soil around the fruit trees.  Create mobile meat bird chicken tractors to further till the soil for cover crop see Joel Salatin.  Determine regulations on processing birds.

-Greenhouse:  Finish aguaponics station.  Clean it out again.  Provide starts to local farmers, gardeners, and myself.  If you are starting to plan your garden and would like to speak with us about starting seeds for you, you can contact me through

-The Gardens:  Two garden plots will be the focus of my attention this season.  They both need to be fenced in and set up for efficiency.  The larger section of 5 acres will be an interesting challenge of planning.

-Campsite:  The primitive shelter that Youssef and I have been working on will be completed shortly and habitable.  A small cabin campsite will be completed.

-The Organizations:  As campsites develop, it is a top priority to offer more classes and opportunity for interns through a charitable organization.

-Personal Development:  It is my goal spend more time in the shop creating beautiful things I need rather than purchasing items.

-Icing on the cake:  If the greenhouse and well pump could be powered by solar electricity.  That would make me really happy.  Also included a rocket mass heater in the kitchen.

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