Sunday, January 26, 2014

Knock, Knock. Who is there? Debris. Debris who. More Debris that is who.

Today Youssef and I continued to work on the debris hut.  We got a few tarp loads of debris, then Youssef and I worked to create the door frame for a little less than an hour I think.  Freddie brought two boys with a family connection over to check out the goats.  He saw us on our way back down the hill after lunch, and we invited them to the house.  A little while later they met us down at the lodge and seemed very impressed with the progress.  It has been several weeks since Freddie has seen the project.  

The doorway

After hanging out with everybody inside, Youssef and I got back onto raking debris.  We figured the hardest part will be getting the debris on the crown of the roof especially as debris grows from the sides.  The easiest plan we have come up with is filling trash bags with debris then throwing them up to a person standing on the roof who will empty them.

1200 gallons of debris ready for tomorrow morning.

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