Friday, January 31, 2014

Cat House

For about a week there has been a cat living underneath of the porch.  I am relatively confident that it sticks around for Ash-monster's dog food.  The other day she ran up under the hood of my car.  After waiting a good bit of time, I started up the road.  About 2/3 up the dirt road she jumped out and sprinted back towards the house.

The other night she was meowing under the porch.  Several minutes later I heard the crunching of the dog food.  I tip toed to the door only to see the familiar opossum snacking away.  I opened the door and told him to beat it and chased him into the dark.  Instead of continuing his path for the tree line he turned and darted under the porch.  I grabbed the flashlight from next to the door and pointed it under the deck.  The cat and opossum stared at each other from the opposing sides of the dark crawlspace.  I decided to let them fight it out.  After several minutes of not hearing anything, I checked again and the opossum had won the evening.

Youssef and I continued to work on the debris lodge and aguaponics system.  I am still having trouble getting the syphon to stop after it drains the grow bed.  I have added some more pipe to the exit, but still no luck.  More playing is required.

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