Friday, September 27, 2013

Cleaning the butterfly deathtrap and I'm blue

If you couldn't tell, I really lost motivation to write things on the blog without my camera.  Josh and myself have spent several days getting up all the wood around the farm into one central location.  In moving it we cleared out a really nice area where the sweat lodge will go in the future.  I showed Freddie a picture of the one I helped to build several weeks ago and he approved and seemed to be interested in building one with me.
Freddie was off work today so much of the day he spent down here helping to clean the greenhouse.  We started off by cleaning off the tables.  The greenhouse wasn't completely done construction until recently when extra fans were installed.  I guess it still isn't done construction as I am going to add another exhaust fan tomorrow.

We then moved the tables and started sweeping.  The drains were cleaned and reinstalled.  

Maybe 20% of the way into the cleaning

Freddie slaving away.

All the equipment in boxes or designated for a trash bag.

Just one of the corners.

While Freddie was using the shop vacuum.  I dumped some die in the pond to better pinpoint the seepage.  My hands are still blue though much of it washed off. 

Mullien stalks harvested for hand drills to be taken to seminar in two weeks.

Freddie and I moved a fence and irrigation pipe to the basement we cleaned last week.
I picked up some blocks to better stabilize the greenhouse tables.

Wiping sweat from my brow leads to color run.  Weatherman hair is starting to emerge.
Swept, hosed down, tables back in and supported.  Freddie is happy.

Check out the porta-potty blue water.

The water level is rising.

This die is supposed to kill algae in normal use.  I'm trying to find a leak.

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