Thursday, September 19, 2013

Equilibrium in the shed

Much of today was spent finishing little jobs that really aren't so little; consolidating, moving, and finding homes for things.  After a little time in the greenhouse, I started in with the chickens.  Almost immediately the rooster started to get cocky.  He came at me several times before strutting off.

Guess what?

Freddie and I left off yesterday with a hole in the floor with a wide bit of fence stapled as a covering.  I came back to cut off the excess and trim around the edges.  After a little adjustment, getting water on the floor or a predator coming in would be really difficult.  

I continued to hang tools making sure that each has its own place.

Freddie came back over this evening and we continued with the cleaning frenzy that I had already been on.  We moved a bunch of fencing and T posts to a more permanent location, moved some block, and collected a bunch more wood for the next bonfire.  There were three really nice cedar posts that I salvaged in the pile we cleaned out.  This pile has been there awhile because I have never seen most of the pieces.  There were short pieces of chain, a lot of trash, fencing attachments, a piece of tin that was mine, and some cinderblocks.  The rotten wood railings went into the truck and the rest went inside the building.

1 former stack of bricks

1 current stack of bricks.  I am going to write on the wall,
"Unless this wall is full of shit,
There is treasure in that load of bricks."

The blocks on the right were in the pile too.  I am almost certain they are fire bricks, which is excellent for creating the rocket stove for the shop or for use in the pizza oven, both projects in the works.  They will be used.

The haunted basement.

Less scary.
Freddie found these stepping stones in the pile of block.  They really add a lot to the front door of the chicken coop, while keeping your feet out of the mud.


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