Monday, September 16, 2013

Holz Hauzen Day 2

I started off this morning chunking some more wood in the splitter and continuing where I left off yesterday.  I got half a load split mainly of cedar, which I stacked in a separate pile from the round house.

About 12 o'clock, a contractor that was hired to fix a pond for me came back over.  It has been a year and a half roughly and with the amount of rain we have gotten should have been full several times over.  There are two springs that feed a gallon or two per minute into the pond.  I had an engineer over several days ago who said that there may be seepage through the core of the dam.  He took a core sample up to maybe 4 feet and there was moisture.  It wasn't soupy but one could tell the ground was wet.

A little seepage is to be expected.  The ground can hold a lot of moisture and the sun evaporates water from the surface of the pond; so a pond's water level fluctuates.  However I have a hard time believing that the water fluctuates that much.

The neighbor, Freddie and myself hooked up a hose from the greenhouse to the mouth of the spring.  I am currently pumping 7-10 gallons a minute though that is just a guess.  I did note that water was flowing through the stand pipe making me think it is cracked or wasn't sealed correctly from the beginning.

There are several ways to seal a leaky pond.  One way is through a water expanding natural mineral that is worked in with equipment to the pond bottom.  When it gets wet it expands and lets through very little water.  It is a natural material so it does not hurt fish.

I am still weighing options on the pond and how to fix it.  Tomorrow should reveal more.  Freddy busted my dam I built the other day with the sexy butt tracks.  Now it is awash in well water.

If you didn't notice by now the Honda EU2000 did not supply enough power to the log splitter.  After bringing out a 8000W generator there has not been an issue.  

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