Saturday, November 16, 2013

Coyote Attack

Ash, the farm's Great Pyrenees protection dog, is a real sweet-heart, but when she turns it on it can be scary.  She is barking right now likely at a deer, but it reminded me of the story that was relayed to me earlier this evening.

Two brothers were logging an area right up the road from here sometime in the past several days.  The one man was working on the top of the hill out of sight from the other running equipment at the bottom.  Suddenly five coyotes surround the piece of equipment on which type I will ask for clarification.  They try to attack the man.  From the tractor seat he radios to the man up the hill saying, "Get down here as fast as you can.  I got coyotes down here trying to kill me."

I imagined it like Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, trying to fend off coyotes while almost biting his face.  He would have definitely not been as fortunate enough to dodge the slobber dripping from the jowls of the canine.

The brothers ended up alright and the game warden came out and shot one after using an electronic caller.

Ash I wouldn't want to tangle with.  One time she caught a possum almost on the front lawn.  It was immediately apparent that I needed to go see at what she was barking.  I'm still don't know how I feel about possums.  I don't think they are on my team though.

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