Monday, November 4, 2013

Sowing Seed

Sowing seeds is probably one of my favorite things.  So today was a good day.  Where the bulldozer had moved some trees encroaching on a field and touched up around the pond, I broadcast equal parts rye and winter wheat.  They will set quickly and lock in the loose dirt helping to stop erosion.  The weather Thursday calls for rain.  I broadcast the seed over much of the area with the tractor.  The back of the dam and several other steep banks required hand seeding.  It is my goal to put straw over the areas seeded today before the rain comes to ensure a good set.

I washed out the ibc tote two more times.

Over the past several days a crew has worked to move a building that has been slowly rotting due to not being used.  It made its way down the road today and off the property to its new home.  I am thankful to have it gone.  Because it was too large to fit through the gate, one of the wood poast had to come out of the ground.  After dark using the headlights from my truck, Freddie and I dug out the hole and reset the post in concrete.  Tomorrow the gate will be reattached securely.  When attaching a gate it is important to fit the brackets that came with your gate in opposite directions.  If both of these L shaped brackets face the same direction once screwed into the post, it is easy for the gate to be slid off and negates the purpose for the gate or lock.  Once the gate is attached to the post via the brackets, using a car jack is an easy way to help position the gate.

I ordered some suspenders a while back.  They came today, and I must admit I like them and they feel great.

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