Sunday, November 10, 2013

Turkeys watch

This afternoon I came around the corner to the back field and saw 13 turkeys.  I was like wow.  Then I went further around the corner and there was another 30 turkeys grazing.  At this point all stealth was gone as I charged their grouping.  As they scattered in all directions into the woods, while the familiar call of the turkey rang out mockingly.  With Thanksgiving coming up, it might not be a bad idea to snag one with a bullet next time.

I spent most of the day cleaning out the shop and organizing everything.  I want to move the large worktable to a different location to make ample room for the rocket stove.  It is amazing how quickly it becomes cluttered with the scraps of old projects and things in the making.  As soon as the shop is spotless, it is going to get messy again.  It is just how it works for me.  I admire people with constantly clean workshops, but I am positive that is a sure sign that you aren't making anything, or maybe a clean shop is a sign you have been at a location for a long time, or you are a professional.

At the same time I was cycling the aguaponics system.  I am still waiting on the grow media, but I want to make sure the bell syphon is working properly unassisted by me.  A few more positive tests tomorrow, and I will be confident.

In speaking with the owner of the local grocery that sells fresh meat he mentioned that his customer base had increased substantially since Food Lion switched to pre packaged meat.  So that is good news.  I need to be his egg supplier.

They are calling for snow Wednesday or Thursday, I have to remove the shade cloth from the greenhouse before then.

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