Friday, November 1, 2013

Ebb and Flow

The grow bed held up well overnight without any signs of moisture where it should not be.  It rained off and on most of the morning, and I spent the afternoon watching the aguaponics system fill.  I am relatively certain that I need a larger sump tank.  I may chop an IBC tote to fit under the grow bed.  This cut to the current height will fit about 100 gallons.  I really need 130 I think.

In worst case event I could link two IBC totes cut to heigh by a tube and have a perfect food grade solution on the cheep.  I had very much hoped to get everything plumbed today, however thinking about the sump tank when not knowing how much the grow media displaces is difficult.  Some internet forum suggestions say anywhere from 40-70% of the grow bed volume are taken up by media.  I didn't find a src credible enough to trust their information.

I created a bell syphon and gravel guard late this afternoon well before the sun started setting.  After adjusting the height of the syphon, it seems to be flowing well.  I will go try it again here in several minutes.  I needed to get something to eat.

I finally got in touch with the owner of Blue Ridge Hydroponics and Home Brewing Company, Chris.  His store is the closest anywhere near me, and is a distributor for the grow media I was looking for, Hydroton.  We discussed several options and his passion was evident in how long he stayed on the phone with me.  He only had 4 bags in stock, and my order will be included in his next truck load.  He advised me about growing tomatoes saying that the fish like roughly half the nitrate levels that the tomatoes require so it might not be the best system to start out on.  I am happy to stick with lettuce.  A lot of people I know don't like tomatoes, but everybody likes lettuce.  I might eat a whole salad with only a slice or two of tomato.  Lettuce will sell, and what doesn't the fish can eat.  I need to dial in the sump tank situation and give the tanks a final scrub down.

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