Thursday, October 17, 2013

A very slightly proud flashlight

I was very thankful that it rained off and on all day.  The wheat and peas got some moisture, and I got to kinda hang out.  I picked up feed for the goats and an extra rabbit water bottle for a planned expansion.  I came back home and looked at the field, checked out the chickens, saw the rabbits, and walked around for a while between sprinkles.  After cleaning up the shop a little bit and dispatching a bunch of nested stinkbugs, I set my sights on making something.

Every day I carry a certain set of items, one of which is a flashlight.  It is extremely small, bright, and AA powered.  Since the day the light came in the mail, I have been against the feel of the tail cap.  From the factory a lip protects the button from easy activation.  Turning it on felt a bit difficult.

I chucked it up in the lathe using the setup from the bike part the other day I removed several eights of an inch.  I should have disassembled the light and taken the battery out, but it did alright.  I was nervous, but the final result is pleasing.  I was limited by the mounting of the pocket clip, but now the button sits slightly protruding from the cap.  It is significantly easier to turn off and on.  It took 10 minutes tops, but now it is custom.

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