Saturday, October 5, 2013

Chickens first day out

I was wary about letting the new chickens out today.  I didn't want them to fly out of the pen after I just got them yesterday.  I figured since they are big laying birds that the chances were slim that they would be flying very high, and with the other group of birds to show them around, they seemed in good hands.  Some people will recommend putting your chickens in a cage so that both flocks can look at each other for awhile and become friends before sharing the same space freely.  I did not do this rather just let them go.

The hens immediately knew what was up.  Through out the day they came in and out like they had lived here since birth.

The bar rock hens took to the roosting poles immediately.  The salmon faverolle birds stack up in the corner and have never gotten on the roosting poles.  Sometimes I will grab them and put them on the poles to see if they would figure it out.  Each time they stack up in the corner again shortly after being moved.

Taken from the ridge opposite with a lot of zoom

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