Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Secret Is Out

Yesterday, maybe two days ago I said I had a super secret project that I wasn't ready to show off, and it was so secret in fact, that I mentioned it previously.

The aguaponics system I have been designing is actually coming together.  A while back I picked up an IBC (intermediate bulk container) tote to be used as a fish tank.  All the parts will be in house tomorrow except for the felt that lines the grow bed before the pond liner is put down.  The advertisement said the felt increased pond liner strength by 400%, and if my splintery fingers from today were any indication, any extra strength is welcome.

Freddie didn't have to work at the furniture factory so he came over relatively early this morning to see what was happening.  He has known about the design for several weeks, and today we got to work building the grow beds using two 2inx12inx12ft pressure treated boards (>$50), and a sheet and a half of 3/4in plywood.  The bottom we reinforced with 2inx12inx4ft boards and two 2inx6inx4ft boards towards the end where the bell syphon will take the water out of the grow bed to the sump tank.  By using a 6 in board instead of a foot long board, we should be able to fit more plants in the bed by placing the syphon closer to the wall.  As awesome as symmetry is, it will be better this way in the long run.

It is unbelievably heavy.  We were pretty certain that we would need other people to help us move it.

Lift like the Egyptians.

Freddie and I had a time getting it up onto the cinderblocks.  I think it was really only out of excitement that it looked so good that we managed to heft it up and into position.  We had to rob some cinderblocks from the other table nearby until I bring some up from the shed.

After spending an hour in the Lowe's Pluming aisle, I though for sure all the parts were in hand.  I grabbed unions, ball valves, pipe dope, fittings, elbows, Ts and nose, Ts and nose.  I thought I had it all, but after mocking it up this evening I still need 1in to 1in coupler, a 45 degree bend or two, and a new bulk head fitting from Tractor Supply to fix the one I broke, and to find the grow media.

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