Saturday, October 26, 2013

The worst smell ever

After a neighborhood effort to fix an electrical line that got run over by the bulldozer and cleaning the chicken coop, Freddie asked me how the incubating chickens were progressing.  I told him that I was worried because I don't have mastery of the incubator controls.  Every time I check, the temperature has not been exactly where it needs to be, 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is a little high or a little low, never spot on and seeming uncorrelated to the knob moving.  Freddie suggested cracking one open to see if there is something developing.  I don't know if the one I picked up had a crack in it before I put it in or what, but it looked like it had popped.  There was a crack that divided the shell into thirds and a yokey hardened froth had seeped through .  It didn't break open immediately, however when it did I wished that I had done it outside.  Freddie laughed as I puked in the basement sink.  Then he got a whiff and wasn't laughing anymore.

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