Thursday, October 3, 2013


Today was thoroughly unproductive.  I got up really early and just did nothing.

I got a call this morning from the metal supply store.  Yesterday when I was purchasing metal for the tractor attachment.  I told the man that I wanted 40 feet of thick angle iron.  Turns out he only had 20 feet.  In the confusion he charged me for the full amount, and I having never bought metal like that before just was happy to have it and didn't say anything.  The man called to state the situation and informed me that I could come get some money back or wait until tomorrow and pick up the other section once it had come in.

The metal shop I am still giddy over.  They make pretty much anything but last time I was in there talking to the owner, Danny who wasn't there yesterday, said a majority of the business came from making buffing machines for aircraft parts.  Mills and lathes of all sizes.  It is just gorgeous.  The machine that cut the sections for me looked like a mitre saw that came up from the bottom like a table saw.  The speed was slow but it chunked through the angle iron.  The operator said that if he got it spinning to quickly it would kick the metal off of the press.  There were no sparks or cooling fluid.

Today I marked out some line for where I want to put these raised beds that I have been thinking about for awhile.

I talked to my friend Justin today about compost.  We have been trying to secure a load of compost from the relatively local farm supply store.  Recently a horse riding center has said that they need a place to get rid of their extra.  We talked for a half hour about that and some other things.  When the load gets situated it is destined for these raised beds.

Freddie came over again tonight.  We just walked around.  We needed one clamp to finish the greenhouse shade-cloth tie down project from the other day.  So we put that on, but didn't take a second.  Freddie's rabbit dog, Jack, was running around investigating things when it wasn't being molested by Ash.

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