Monday, October 21, 2013

all quiet

I woke up this morning and it was cold.  It is definitely time to add more blankets to the bed.  I started up the fireplace, fixed a bowl of Cracklin Oat Bran.  I later made eggs.  If the neighbor's daughter didn't come over about 3:30, I probably wouldn't have done anything all day.

I was heading to walk around the field, so she came with me.  Later her mom would come and yell at her for not being where she said she was.

Butch returned with the hydraulic line for his equipment and he continued the work he was doing.

I made french toast for dinner.

After talking to a family this afternoon about purchasing a milk cow and calf, I decided against having one at the current time.  Thinking about having a cow led me to a string of youtube videos describing the best way to design systems for animal movement.  It has further refined my the rotational grassing in the now single goat pasture.

On tomorrow's agenda is to refresh the chicken coop, make a neighborhood dump run, finish plumbing the water line, and really start to look at how I am going to build a cabin for a longer term intern who starts the middle of next month.  I am certain that tin roof will be my best bet.  I do not want to use T111 for the walls.  So I'm still thinking about that.  I might have Josh run the chainsaw mill on some huge downed hardwood next time he comes over looking for something to do.  I bet that would be really beautiful.

I looked at the location for either a cobb house or fire pit.  I am still conflicted although I started digging out the foundation and thinking about where the drainage pipe will go.

The homesteader  program is taking applications for the upcoming seasons.  Contact us at to find out more about our three month on the land internship.

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